
Officers 2023-2024

  • President:Robin Russell, robinrssll<dot>gmail<dot>com
  • Past President:Nate Jones (for bio, click HERE), nate<dot>f<dot>jones<at>gmail<dot>com
  • President-Elect: Casey Setash, caseysetash<at>gmail <dot> com
  • Treasurer: Adam Beheny, abehney<at> hotmail<dot>com
  • Secretary: Mark Fletcher (for bio, click HERE), Fletcher<at>pinyon-env<dot>com

Executive Board – Regional

  • NE Rep.: Jack Grider, john <dot> grider28 <at> gmail <dot> com
  • NW Rep.: Kathy Griffin (for bio, click HERE),kgriffin<underscore>mt<at>hotmail<dot>com
  • SE Rep.: Mary Hiney, mary<dot>k<dot>hiney<at>gmail<dot>com
  • SW Rep.: Marcella Tarantino (for bio, click HERE), marcella<dot>tarantino<at>usda<dot>gov

Executive Board – At Large

  • Emily Latta (for bio, click HERE), elatta<at>blm<dot>gov
  • Emily McCall, emcall<at>blm<dot>gov
  • Erin Bailey , erin<dot>bailey<at>hdrinc<dot>com
  • Courtney King, courtney.king<at>western<dot>edu
  • Mindy Rice, CMPS liaison, rice1min<at>gmail<dot>com

Wildlife Society Affiliates:

  • CSU Student Chapter President: Cameron Sanders, Cameron<dot>sanders<at>colostate<dot>edu
  • CSU-Pueblo Student Chapter President: Lacey Sprouse, lacey<dot>sprouse1<at>gmail<dot>com
  • Western State Student Chapter President: Erik Rathmann, erik<dot>rathmann<at>western<dot>edu
  • CMPS President: , Stephanie Ferrero, president<at>cmps-tws<dot>org
  • The Wildlife Society CMPS Rep: Mindy Rice, rice1min<at>gmail<dot>com

Current Committees and Chairs:

Committee Chair Chair Contact
Standing Committees
Program/Annual Meeting CCTWS Board  Robinrssll<at> gmail <dot>com
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Patrick Magee pmagee<at>western<dot>edu
Legislation and Conservation Affairs, policy resolutions, and conservation reivew Vacant Vacant
Newsletter Becky Burink burink<at> pinyon-env<dot> com
Nomination/Elections Casey Setash Casey<dot>setash<at>state<dot>co<dot>us
Website Robin RussellCasey Setash
Awards Jeff Henderson henderson<at>pinyon-env<dot>com
Membership Adam Behney
Small Grants and Travel Grants Emily Latta elatta<at>blm<dot>gov
Social Media (Marketing) Emily McCall emilymccall<at>blm<dot>gov
Professional Development Programs  Vacant
Student Affairs and Mentoring Vacant
Historian Danguole Bockus Danguole_bockus<at>nps<dot>gov
Jim Olterman/Candace Taylor Investment Fund Adam Behney Adam<dot>behney<at>state<dot>co<dot>us
CCTWS Representative to CMPS Mindy Rice Rice1min<at>gmail<dot>com

Past History: