The Wildlife Society (TWS) Distinguished Service Award recognizes TWS members who have made a long-term commitment to the Society based on at least 20 years of membership and their actions to further the mission of the Society. The member is someone who is/was “always there” and could be counted on to serve the chapter, section, or international organization. Since recipients are selected by the Sections, the Distinguished Service Award provides an opportunity to recognize dedicated individuals who have provided exceptional service primarily to Chapters and/or Sections.
The award was originally envisioned to be a late career recognition award that recognizes individuals who have worked throughout their careers in a variety of ways to further the mission of the Society but have not been previously recognized with other TWS awards. The nominee should be someone who is/was “always there” and could be counted on to serve the Chapter, Section or the Society.
Recipients are selected by the Sections and only one Distinguished Service Award will be awarded per Section per year. Since recipients are selected by the Sections, the Distinguished Service Award provides an opportunity to recognize dedicated individuals who have provided exceptional service primarily to Chapters and/or Sections by emphasizing a person’s contributions to TWS at other than the Society level.
The recipient receives an award lapel pin and certificate during the Awards Ceremony at the TWS Annual Conference.
Nominees must have been a member of The Wildlife Society (main, international organization) for at least 20 years. If membership is not continuous, evidence of membership longevity must be provided. The intent is to recognize candidates while they are still active TWS members.
Nominees must have served TWS in such a way that furthers the goals of TWS. Examples of service are Chapter, Section, or the Society Board member or Officer; served in a significant manner to keep a Chapter active or to reactivate a Chapter; consistent attendance at Chapter meetings; dependable member to support Chapter, Section and/or international activities such as review of EIS reports, position statements, etc.; Chapter, Section or the Society committee chairperson or member; assist or organize Chapter, Section, or international conferences or special meetings, programs, training seminars, etc.; editor, associate editor, author or coauthor of TWS publications; as appropriate, testify at hearings, etc. Basically, a collective commitment to TWS goals and activities. The relative weighting of these activities may vary by Section and further information may be obtained from the executive committee of the nominee’s Section.
Members who have previously been recognized as TWS Fellows are not eligible for the Distinguished Service Award.
Any TWS member or members of Chapters or Sections may submit nominations or self-nominations.
- Nomination Narrative – a one-page nomination statement that clearly outlines the nominee’s long-term contributions to TWS.
- Nominee’s curriculum vitae.
- Letters of endorsement from three supporters.
Nomination packets must be submitted via email to the executive committee of the nominee’s Section by April 1 at 11:59 PM ET. The deadline for Sections to uploaded nomination materials via the online nominations system is May 1 at 11:59 PM ET.
For questions related to TWS Awards please email,
2024 Western Section: Rick Williams Central Mountains and Plains Section: Mark Lindvall Southwest Section: Leland Pierce |
2023 Central Mountains and Plains Section: Rick Warhurst |
2022 Central Mountains and Plains Section: Leonard McDaniel |
2021 Central Mountains and Plains Section: Greg Schenbeck Western Section: Karen Swaim |
2020 Central Mountains and Plains Section: Jim Hays |
2019 Western Section: Reginald H. Barrett |
2018 Western Section: Cynthia G. Perrine |
2017 Canadian Section: Robert E. Jones Northeast Section: Jerry R. Longcore |
2016 Canadian Section: Elston H. Dzus Northwest Section: Blake Murden Southeastern Section: Stephen V. Rockwood Southwest Section: Brian L. Hanson Western Section: William G. Standley |
2015 Southeastern Section: Randy Spencer Canadian Section: Lu Carbyn Northeast Section: Justin Vreeland Northwest Section: Warren Aney Western Section: Jon Hooper |
2014 Southeastern Section: Frank Boyd Canadian Section: George J. Mitchell Northeast Section: Jerry D. Hassinger Northwest Section: Ellen Campbell Central Mountains and Plains Section: Robert D. Wood Western Section: Bradley Valentine Southwest Section: Terry L. Blankenship |
2013 Canadian Section: Larry Bidlake Central Mountains and Plains Section: Carl Wolfe Northeast Section: Ted Nichols North Central Section: Keith McCaffery Southwest Section: William Burger Western Section: Mike Chapel |
2012 Canadian Section: Bill Samuel Central Mountains and Plains Section: Del Benson Northeast Section: Robert Brooks Northwest Section: Charlie Bruce Southeastern Section: Ed Hackett Southwest Section: Frank Baucom Western Section: Marshall White |