Month: October 2020

October 5, 2020

WSB: Caspian terns resist efforts to recover imperiled fish

Caspian terns with a taste for young salmon are resisting many of the management efforts put forth to protect imperiled salmon in the fishery. The seabirds nest on small islands...

October 5, 2020

Watch: Tracking Indiana bats to their summer grounds

Where do Indiana bats migrate in the spring? Not much has been known about their migration behaviors, and most of that has been gathered from recovering bands. To find out...

October 2, 2020

TWS2020: Ospreys nest successfully on phone towers

Researchers reveal a strong signal that ospreys nesting on cellphone towers have similar productivity and success rates when raising young than their counterparts nesting in other areas. “We determined that...

October 2, 2020

TWS concludes exciting week at Virtual Conference

It’s been an exciting week at The Wildlife Society’s 2020 Virtual Conference. More than 2,500 participants — a record number — took part in a week of informative symposia and...

October 2, 2020

TWS2020: How do dogs and cats impact Madagascar carnivores?

Erin Wampole heard the trumpeting sounds of indri (Indri indri) calling to one another in the Madagascan tropical forests. The large lemurs were her morning alarm clock, waking her up...

October 1, 2020

TWS2020: Pond digging helps desert frogs survive drought

Mitigation measures to maintain ponds in Nevada meadows help the survival of a desert frog species experiencing increasing impacts from climate change-driven droughts. “Drought is one the greatest threats to...

October 1, 2020

TWS2020: To detect mange in coyotes, camera traps ‘mite’ work

Biologists often use camera traps to monitor wildlife populations. But can they also be used to detect disease? Researchers in Chicago turned their cameras on urban coyotes to see if...

October 1, 2020

USFWS downlists woodpecker, keeps protections for cuckoos

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced its intention to downlist the red-cockaded woodpecker (Leuconotopicus borealis) from endangered to threatened under the Endangered Species Act last week.  Red-cockaded woodpeckers were...