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2020 TWS Wildlife Publication Awards Committee shortlists announced
The 2020 Wildlife Publication Awards Committee has named five books to shortlists in the authored and edited book categories and five papers in the journal and monograph categories.
In an effort to recognize the broad range of titles committee members review each year for the TWS Wildlife Publication Awards, the committee has created a shortlist for each category.
Each year, the committee receives nominated books and papers/monographs from authors, editors, publishers and colleagues for the awards. Committee members review the titles and score them based on five criteria. Based on the scores from all committee members, the book, paper or monograph receiving the highest total score is deemed the winner. This year, the committee received 51 nominated books from 26 publishers, 32 journal papers representing 27 journals and 15 monographs from 6 monograph publishers.
Here are the top five titles in the authored book, edited book, journal paper and monograph categories, in alphabetical order by title:
Authored Book
- Roel Lopez, Israel Parker and Michael Morrison. 2017. Applied Wildlife Habitat Management. Texas A&M University Press.
- Jodi Hilty, Annika Keeley, William Lidicker, Jr., and Adina Merenlender. 2019. Corridor Ecology: Linking Landscapes for Biodiversity Conservation and Climate Adaptation. Second Edition. Island Press.
- Gus Mills and Margie Mills. 2017. Kalahari Cheetahs: Adaptations to an Arid Region. Oxford University Press.
- Brian Child. 2019. Sustainable Governance of Wildlife and Community-based Natural Resource Management: From Economic Principles to Practical Governance. Routledge.
- Toni Ruth, Polly Buotte and Maurice Hornocker. 2019. Yellowstone Cougars: Ecology Before and During Wolf Restoration. University Press of Colorado.
Edited Book
- Kurt VerCauteren, James Beasley, Stephen Ditchkoff, John Mayer, Gary Roloff and Bronson Strickland, editors. 2019. Invasive Wild Pigs in North America: Ecology, Impacts and Management. CRC Press.
- Daniel Challender, Helen Nash and Carly Waterman, editors. 2019. Pangolins: Science, Society and Conservation. Academic Press.
- David Krementz, David Andersen and Thomas Cooper, editors. 2019. Proceedings of the Eleventh American Woodcock Symposium. University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing.
- Leonard Brennan, Andrew Tri and Bruce Marcot, editors. Quantitative Analyses in Wildlife Science. Johns Hopkins University Press.
- Raul Valdez and J. Alfonso Ortega-S., editors. 2019. Wildlife Ecology and Management in Mexico. Texas A&M University Press.
Journal Paper
- Adam Smith, Erik Beever, Aimee Kessler, Aaron Johnston, Chris Ray, et al.* 2019. Alternatives to genetic affinity as a context for within-species response to climate. Nature Climate Change (*the full list of authors can be found on the journal page)
- Michael Proctor, Wayne Kasworm, Kimberly Annis, Grant MacHutchon, Justin Teisberg, Thomas Radandt and Chris Servheen. 2018. Conservation of threatened Canada-USA trans-border grizzly bears linked to comprehensive conflict reduction. Human-Wildlife Interactions
- Justin Suraci, Michael Clinchy, Liana Zanette and Christopher Wilmers. 2019. Fear of humans as apex predators has landscape-scale impacts from mountain lions to mice. Ecology Letters
- Daniel Sullins, David Haukos, Joseph Lautenbach, Jonathan Lautenbach, Samantha Robinson, Mindy Rice, Brett Sandercock, John Kraft, Reid Plumb, Jonathan Reitz, J.M. Shawn Hutchinson and Christian Hagen. 2019. Strategic conservation for lesser prairie-chickens among landscapes of varying anthropogenic influence. Biological Conservation
- Anna Moeller, Paul Lukacs and Jon Horne. 2018. Three novel methods to estimate abundance of unmarked animals using remote cameras. Ecosphere
- Madelon van de Kerk, David Onorato, Jeffrey Hostetler, Benjamin Bolker and Madan Oli. 2019. Dynamics, persistence and genetic management of the endangered Florida panther population. Wildlife Monographs
- Layne Adams, Richard Farnell, Michelle Oakley, Thomas Jung, Lorne Larocque, Grant Lortie, Jamie Mclelland, Mason Reid, Gretchen Roffler and Don Russell. 2019. Evaluation of maternal penning to improve calf survival in the Chisana caribou herd. Wildlife Monographs
- Eunbi Kwon, Emily Weiser, Richard Lanctot, Stephen Brown, Heather Gates, Grant Gilchrist, Steve Kendall, David Lank, Joseph Liebezeit, Laura Mckinnon, Erica Nol, David Payer, Jennie Rausch, Daniel Rinella, Sarah Saalfeld, Nathan Senner, Paul Smith, David Ward, Robert Wisseman and Brett Sandercock. 2019. Geographic variation in the intensity of warming and phenological mismatch between Arctic shorebirds and invertebrates. Ecological Monographs
- Cord Eversole, Scott Henke, Benjamin Turner, Selma Glasscock, Andy Powell, David Wester and Bart Ballarda. 2018. Theoretical population and harvest model for American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis). Herpetological Monographs
- Michael Samuel, Bethany Woodworth, Carter Atkinson, Patrick Hart and Dennis Lapointe. 2018. The Epidemiology of Avian Pox and Interaction with Avian Malaria in Hawaiian Forest Birds. Ecological Monographs
The committee hopes that these shortlists provide some recognition to well-deserved authors and highlight outstanding books, journal papers and monographs worthy of TWS members’ attention.
The winning authors/editors and publishers of each book category will be denoted by electronic and physical stickers stating that the title is the winner of TWS Wildlife Publication Award. The electronic version can be used by authors and publishers to highlight their award-winning title on websites and brochures used in conferences or other venues. The physical version can be affixed directly to the book to be displayed in bookstores, at conference booths and other venues.

Winners of each book category in the TWS Wildlife Publication Awards will be denoted by a sticker.
Credit: TWS
The stickers are meant to recognize excellence in scientific writing characterized by originality of research or thought and a high scholastic standard in the manner of presentation. In addition, the sticker promotes the wildlife publication award as given by TWS, the preeminent international association of wildlife professionals dedicated to excellence in wildlife stewardship through science and education.
The winner of each category will be notified in June.
If you have questions or comments, please contact Rick Spaulding, chair of the Wildlife Publication Awards Committee, at
Header Image: An American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) in Everglades National Park. Credit: J. Philipp Krone