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2019 Wildlife Publication Awards shortlists announced
The Wildlife Publication Awards Committee has named five books to shortlists in the authored and edited book categories and five papers in the journal and monograph categories.
This is the second year the committee has created shortlists, an effort to recognize the broad range of titles committee members review each year for the TWS Wildlife Publication Awards.
Each year, the committee receives nominated books and papers/monographs from authors, editors, publishers and colleagues for the awards. Committee members review the titles and score them based on five criteria. Based on the scores from all committee members, the book, paper or monograph receiving the highest total score is deemed the winner. This year, the committee received 54 nominated books from 28 publishers, 22 journal papers representing 18 journals and 10 monographs from six monograph publishers.
Here are the top five titles in the authored book, edited book, journal paper, and monograph categories (alphabetical order by title):
Authored Book
- Mevin Hooten, Devin Johnson, Brett McClintock, and Juan Morales. 2017. Animal Movement: Statistical Models for Telemetry Data. CRC Press.
- Serge Wich and Lian Pin Koh. 2018. Conservation Drones: Mapping and Monitoring Biodiversity. Oxford University Press.
- Erik Johnson and Jared Wolfe. 2018. Molt in Neotropical Birds: Life History and Aging Criteria. CRC Press.
- Jonathan Jenks. 2018. Mountain Lions of the Black Hills: History and Ecology. Johns Hopkins University Press.
- Vladimir Masterov, Michael Romanov, and Richard Sale. 2018. Steller’s Sea Eagle. Snowfinch Publishing.
Edited Book
- Francesco Rovero and Fridolin Zimmermann, editors. 2016. Camera Trapping for Wildlife Research. Pelagic Publishing.
- Elizabeth Cary Mungall, editor. 2018. The Dama Gazelles: Last Members of a Critically Endangered Species. Texas A&M University Press
- Bruce Leopold, Winifred Kessler, and James Cummins, editors. 2018. North American Wildlife Policy and Law. Boone and Crockett Club.
- Martin Perrow, editor. 2017. Wildlife and Wind Farms, Conflicts and Solutions: Volume 1 – Onshore: Potential Effects and Volume 2 – Onshore: Monitoring and Mitigation. Pelagic Publishing.
- Matthew Kauffman, James Meacham, Hall Sawyer, Alethea Steingisser, William Rudd, and Emilene Ostlind, editors. 2018. Wild Migrations: Atlas of Wyoming’s Ungulates. Oregon State University Press.
Journal Paper
- Sarah Saunders, Francesca Cuthbert, and Elise Zipkin. 2018. Evaluating population viability and efficacy of conservation management using integrated population models. Journal of Applied Ecology 55: 1380-1392.
- April Robin Martinig and Katrina Belanger-Smith. 2016. Factors influencing the discovery and use of wildlife passages for small fauna. Journal of Applied Ecology 53: 825-836.
- Kevin Monteith, Ryan Long, Thomas Stephenson, Vernon Bleich, Terry Bowyer, and Tayler Lasharr. 2018. Horn size and nutrition in mountain sheep: Can ewe handle the truth? Journal of Wildlife Management 82: 67-84.
- Sophie Gilbert, Kelly Sivy, Casey Pozzanghera, Adam DuBour, Kelly Overduijn, Matthew Smith, Jiake Zhou, Joseph Little, and Laura Prugh. 2017. Socioeconomic benefits of large carnivore recolonization through reduced wildlife-vehicle collisions. Conservation Letters 10: 431-439.
- Erin Wilson Rankin, Jessie Knowlton, Daniel Gruner, David Flaspohler, Christian Giardina, Devin Leopold, Anna Buckardt, William Pitt, and Tadashi Fukami. 2018. Vertical foraging shifts in Hawaiian forest birds in response to invasive rat removal. PLoS ONE 13(9): e0202869.
- Melissa Foley, Jonathan Warrick, Andrew Ritchie, Andrew Stevens, Patrick Shafroth, Jeffrey Duda, Matthew Beirne, Rebecca Paradis, Guy Gelfenbaum, Randall McCoy, and Erin Cubley. 2017. Coastal habitat and biological community response to dam removal on the Elwha River. Ecological Monographs 87: 552-577.
- Samantha Knight, David Bradley, Robert Clark, Elizabeth Gow, Marc Belisle, Lisha Berzins, Tricia Blake, Eli Bridge, Lauren Burke, Russell Dawson, Peter Dunn, Dany Garant, Geoffrey Holroyd, David Hussell, Olga Lansdorp, Andrew Laughlin, Marty Leonard, Fanie Pelletier, Dave Shutler, Lynn Siefferman, Caz Taylor, Helen Trefry, Carol Vleck, David Vleck, David Winkler, Linda Whittingham, and Ryan Norris. 2018. Constructing and evaluating a continent-wide migratory songbird network across the annual cycle. Ecological Monographs 88: 445-460.
- Jared Laufenberg, Joseph Clark, Michael Hooker, Carrie Lowe, Kaitlin O’connell-Goode, Jesse Troxler, Maria Davidson, Michael Chamberlain, and Richard Chandler. 2016. Demographic rates and population viability of black bears in Louisiana. Wildlife Monographs 194: 1-37.
- Paul Flint, James Grand, Margaret Petersen, and Robert Rockwell. 2016. Effects of lead exposure, environmental conditions, and metapopulation processes on population dynamics of spectacled eiders. North American Fauna 81: 1-41.
- Daniel Gibson, Erik Blomberg, Michael Atamian, Shawn Espinosa, and James Sedinger. 2018. Effects of power lines on habitat use and demography of greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus). Wildlife Monographs 200: 1-41.
The committee hopes that these shortlists provide some recognition to well-deserved authors and highlight 10 excellent books, five journal papers and five monographs worthy of TWS members’ attention.
This is the second year that winners of each book category will be denoted by a sticker. Electronic and physical versions stating that the title is the winner of TWS Wildlife Publication Award will be provided to the winning authors/editors and publishers. The electronic version can be used by authors and publishers to highlight their award-winning title on websites and brochures used in conferences or other venues. The physical version can be affixed directly to the book to be displayed in bookstores, at conference booths and other venues.
Winners of each book category in the TWS Wildlife Publication Awards will be denoted by a sticker.
The stickers are meant to recognize excellence in scientific writing characterized by originality of research or thought and a high scholastic standard in the manner of presentation. In addition, the sticker promotes the wildlife publication award as given by TWS, the preeminent international association of wildlife professionals dedicated to excellence in wildlife stewardship through science and education.
The winner of each category will be notified in June.
If you have questions or comments, please contact Rick Spaulding, chair of the Wildlife Publication Awards Committee, at