Month: April 2018

April 19, 2018

Central American frogs defend against fungal disease

Some Central American frog species appear to be recovering from 40-year declines caused largely by fungal disease, according to new research. The reason, the research suggests, is better skin defenses...

April 19, 2018

Senate confirms USGS director

The Senate has confirmed James Reilly as the director of the U.S. Geological Survey. Nominated by President Trump in late January, Reilly holds a PhD in geosciences from the University...

April 19, 2018

WSB: White canvas bags keep deer off roads

When biologists in Wyoming wanted to test how effective wildlife warning reflectors were at discouraging deer from entering the roadway, they figured they’d wrap up some of them to keep...

April 18, 2018

Potential ESA changes could affect threatened species

A proposed rule that would change a provision of the Endangered Species Act that has been used for 40 years to apply protections to threatened species is reportedly under consideration...

April 18, 2018

House committees hold Interior, NOAA budget hearings

Last week, Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke testified on the department’s proposed fiscal year 2019 budget before the House Appropriations Subcommittee on the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies. The House Natural...

April 18, 2018

U.S. parks may become more vital to birds as climate changes

National parks preserve habitat for hundreds of avian species in the United States. Researchers anticipate these protected areas will host even more extensive bird communities as climate change keeps transforming...

April 17, 2018

JWM: Gray whales change behavior near boats

While the Oregon coast has seen an increase in ecotourism, including boaters hoping to spot gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus), the state had no regulations or guidelines in place to protect...

April 17, 2018

Minnesota celebrates WOW factor at annual meeting

Women of Wildlife events don’t usually occur outside The Wildlife Society’s annual conference, but the Minnesota Chapter shook things up and forged its own path with a WOW gathering at...

April 17, 2018

Court rules against Mexican gray wolf management guidelines

A federal judge has ruled that 2015 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service management guidelines for an experimental population of the endangered Mexican gray wolf (Canis lupus baileyi) “fails to further the conservation”...

April 16, 2018

Don’t miss these local highlights in Cleveland

When you make a trip to the North Coast, as Cleveland is affectionately known, there are a number of things to do and sights to see that should be considered...