Watch: First ever footage of Amazon weasel

Species has never been recorded in Bolivia

Citizen scientists have captured the first footage ever of the rare Amazon weasel in a sustainable coffee plantation in Bolivia. Coffee producers took the video of this small mustelid species on shade-grown coffee plots. The footage also marks the first time the Amazon weasel (Neogale Africana) has ever been confirmed in Bolivia—about 900 kilometers from the nearest known range in Peru and about 1,500 from the nearest known range in Brazil. The authors of research posted about the new sighting on Check List, the journal of biodiversity data, said that “current gaps in its distribution are attributable to the low detectability and rarity of this mustelid.”

Read more at the Wildlife Conservation Society.

Header Image: The Amazon weasel has never been recorded in Bolivia. Credit: Eyner Eugenio Quispe/APCERL