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TWS journal impact factors see increase
Journal of Wildlife Management, Wildlife Society Bulletin and Wildlife Monographs saw an increase in their 2020 Journal Impact Factor, according to recently updated numbers in the Journal Citation Reports published by Clarivate.
“Many researchers and beginning scientists have expressed concern about the impact factor for JWM and other TWS publications because it is the one standard that many scientists use to judge the quality of a journal,” said Paul Krausman the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Wildlife Management. “The editors and staff are aware of these concerns and do all we can to enhance the quality of the journals. The new and higher impact factors are welcomed, and we will continue to work to continue to improve the quality of the journals.”
The 2020 impact factor for JWM is 2.469, up from the previous impact factor of 2.215. The impact factor for WSB is 1.583, up from 1.359. The impact factor for WM is 2.600, up from 2.222.
The impact factor is based on how often an average journal article is cited in a particular year. It is the most widely used tool for assessing journal quality and one of a multitude of metrics used by TWS to assess the overall influence of our journals.
Thank you to all of the authors, peer reviewers and editors who contributed to the increase.
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