This award recognizes current TWS members who have distinguished themselves through exceptional service to the wildlife profession. TWS Fellows serve as ambassadors of The Wildlife Society and are encouraged to engage in outreach and other activities that will benefit and promote both TWS and the wildlife profession. Fellows are appointed for life.

A maximum of two TWS Fellows per Section may be appointed annually, with an annual Society-wide total not to exceed 10, by vote of Council. Council has the discretion to select more than two nominees per Section up to a maximum of 10 Fellows. Sitting members of Council cannot be nominated.

In 2011, Council decided that all past presidents of TWS, upon completion of their term as immediate past president, should automatically become TWS Fellows if they hadn’t previously been honored in that manner. Any past president who was not already a Fellow was inducted in 2012. Past presidents do not count against the annual Society-wide maximum total of 10.

Award Criteria

  • TWS member (current) for at least 10 years
  • Active in TWS at section, chapter, working group, or main/international level
  • Distinguished professional record that includes significant contributions to wildlife resources and the profession

Nomination Procedures

Nominations can come from Sections, Chapters, or individual TWS members. Nominations will require that you uploaded a completed  Fellows Program application form into the online nominations system no later than March 1 at 11:59 pm ET of the award year.

For questions on the award or nomination process please email


2024Alan Franklin
Daniel Greene
Michael Gutzmer
James Heffelfinger
Michel Kohl
Patrick Lederle
Katie Moriarty
John Moriarty
Norman Budd Veverka
Michael Wisdom
2023Jessica Homyack
Serra Hoagland
Glynnis Hood
Dee Patriquin
Mindy Rice
Sarah Rinkevich
Kevin Monteith
Ray Iglay
Paul Johansen
Quentin Hays
2022Adam Ahlers
Ed Arnett
Al Arsenault
Michael Fishman
W. Daryl Jones
John Kilgo
John McNerney
Jena Moon
Larkin Powell
Karen Powers
2021Don Barnes
Patrick Magee
Nicki Frey
Krysten M. Zummo
Scott Hygnstrom
Krysten Schuler
Christopher S. DePerno
Rachael E. Urbanek
Christopher Moorman
Mike Chapel
2020Cynthia Perrine
Erin McCance
Fidel Hernandez
Gary Roloff
Timothy R. Van Deelen
Harriet Allen
Kelly Douglass
Kerry Nicholson
Leslie Burger
Randy DeYoung
2019Andrea C. Orabona
Art R. Rodgers
Carol I. Bocetti
Colleen Olfenbuttel
Courtney Conway
John P. Carroll
John P. Loegering
Kelley M. Stewart
Ken G. MacKenzie, Jr.
Lisa Muller
2018Jenniffer Bakke
Steven Castleberry
Calvin DuBrock
Kathleen Granillo
Kevin Hunting
Craig Miller
Terra Rentz
Mark Smith
Lowell Suring
2017Angela Fuller
Roger Applegate
Eric Pelren
David Andersen
Shane Mahoney
Katherine Parker
Merav Ben-David
Lisette Waits
Warren Conway
Kenneth Mayer
2016Rick Baydack
Carol Chambers
Darren Miller
David Haukos
Karl Martin
Karla Guyn
Michael Gillingham
Michael Mengak
Rhys Evans
Valorie Titus
William Clark
2015Steve Belinda
Jon Haufler
Eric Hellgren
Dave Hewitt
Ken Higgins
Barb Hill
Kevin Hurley
Jim Ramakka
Olin Rhodes
Shawn Riley
Thomas J. Ryder
Don Yasuda
2014Jane E. Austin
L. Mike Conner
Brian L. Cypher
Jacqueline L. Frair
Ralph J. Gutierrez
John L. Koprowski
Joshua J. Millspaugh
Sara H. Schweitzer
James S. Sedinger
Thomas L. Serfass
2013Leonard Brennan
Loren W. Burger, Jr.
Mark Ellingwood
Rick Hoffman
Robert Lanka
Charles M. Pils
Kerry Paul Reese
H. Reed Sanderson
John H. Schulz
Donald A. Sexton
2012Arthur A. Allen
Durward L. Allen
Thomas S. Baskett
Logan J. Bennett
Rudolf Bennitt
Jack H. Berryman
C.D. Besadny
Lytle H. Blankenship
Theodore A. Bookhout
Mark S. Boyce
Clait E. Braun
Victor H. Cahalane
Ellen G. Campbell
Warren W. Chase
Evelyn L. Cheatum
C.H.D. Clarke
Clarence Cottam
Ian McTaggart Cowan
Bill T. Crawford
Alan X. Crossley
Charles A. Dambach
Raymond F. Dasmann
Pennoyer F. English
Erik K. Fritzell
Richard Gerstell
Ben Glading
Timothy M. Green
Laurence R. Jahn
Dale A. Jones
Willard D. Klimstra
Edward L. Kozicky
Daniel L. Leedy
Justin W. Leonard
Aldo Leopold
A. Starker Leopold
Joseph P. Linduska
Richard J. Mackie
Robert A. McCabe
Evelyn Merrill
E. Charles Meslow
James E. Miller
Henry S. Mosby
Olaus J. Murie
Paul R. Needham
W. Leslie Pengelly
Tony J. Peterle
Mark R. Ryan
Hal Salwasser
Allyn J. Sapa
Thomas G. Scott
Tracy I. Storer
Wendell G. Swank
Gustav A. Swanson
Walter P. Taylor
James G. Teer
Jack Ward Thomas
Bill Vodehnal
W. Alan Wentz
Monty Whiting, Jr.
Emily J. Williams
Lee E. Yeager
2011Robert Anthony
William M. Block
Henry Campa III
David J. Case
W. Daniel Edge
Selma N. Glasscock
Bruce Leopold
Michael R. McEnroe
2010DeeCee A. Darrow
Daniel J. Decker
Thomas Decker
Steve Demarais
Marti Kie
William G. Minser
Bruce Thompson
Dan Svedarsky
2009Robert D. Brown
Winifred B. Kessler
John F. Organ
Gary Potts
Misty Lee Sumner
Robert J. Warren
2008Michael R. Conover
Duane R. Diefenbach
William M. Giuliano
Jeanne C. Jones
Rollin D. Sparrowe
2007Gordon Batcheller
John W. Connelly
David C. Guynn, Jr.
Richard M. Kaminski
Jerry R. Longcore
Terry Messmer
Wayne R. Porath
Merlin Shoesmith
2006William E. Berg
James E. Cardoza
Thomas M. Franklin
Jonathon Jenks
John E. McDonald
John Schoen
2005Warren B. Ballard
Peter T. Bromley
Len H. Carpenter
Scott R. Craven
Stephen DeStefano
John G. Kie
Ronald F. Labisky
Federick Lindzey
Frank R. Thompson III
2004John A. Bissonette
R. Terry Bowyer
Richard M. DeGraaf
Diana L. Hallett
Gerald D. Kobriger
Paul R. Krausman
Richard A. Lancia
Ray B. Owen, Jr.
Nova J. Silvy
Ollie Torgerson
2003William Healy
Fred W. Kinard, Jr.
Stephen P. Havera
Todd K. Fuller
Gary C. White
Dale Hein