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The August issue of the Journal of Wildlife Management
The Journal of Wildlife Management is a benefit of membership in The Wildlife Society. Published eight times annually, it is one of the world’s leading scientific journals covering wildlife science, management and conservation, focusing on aspects of wildlife that can assist management and conservation.
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As people move in growing numbers into once-rural areas, it can lead to growing conflicts with wildlife, particularly in areas where black bears have become accustomed to human sources of food. In the featured article of the August issue of the Journal of Wildlife Management, researchers evaluate black bear space use around Great Smoky Mountains National Park and identify factors associated with food conditioning and conflict behavior. In addition to radio-collaring bears, the authors analyzed carbon isotopes and modeled how landscape modifications could reduce bear use of exurban areas. Other articles in the issue look at behavior and movement of wild turkey broods, environmental influences on Dall’s sheep survival and koalas’ use of blue gum plantations.
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