Tag: population density

November 17, 2020

Can pikas survive climate change after all?

When Andrew Smith hikes with his wife in the Sierra Nevada, he often wears a T-shirt with a picture of a pika on it. The image of the charismatic, rabbit-like...

November 19, 2019

Human activity influences species’ genetics differently

Humans’ presence on the landscape affects different species differently. For some species and population, genetic diversity decreases alongside human land use and population density. For others, it can increase, according...

November 15, 2018

JWM: Ocelots populations appear stable in Belize

Ocelot (Leopardus pardalis) populations in Belize seem to be relatively stable across time and sites, according to recent research. “We did have enough evidence that populations have not significantly declined...

May 14, 2018

WSB: Structured decision making helps set cougar harvest

As any wildlife manager can attest, managing species can be difficult when it involves groups of people who come to the table with conflicting interests. But tools are available to...

August 26, 2016

WSB study: Citizen scientists dart cougars for population study

Hunters armed with biopsy darts may be the key to assessing cougar populations, according to a new study. Cougars (Puma concolor) live solitary lives in widely dispersed territories, and it’s...