Tag: Amphibians

February 21, 2017

JWM study: Where Maine’s montane amphibians breed

In the mountains of Maine, where spotted salamanders (Ambystoma maculatum) and wood frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus) breed in temporary vernal pools, they depend most on ponds that stay wet for longer...

December 1, 2016

In the Amazon rainforest, small roads have big impacts

Cars, trucks, and other vehicles leave noise, pollution, and roadkill in their wake. But if those impacts are subtracted, what about the roads themselves? “We wanted to untangle the effects...

November 8, 2016

Provincial report: Wildlife populations declining in Ontario

The Environmental Commissioner for Ontario recently released the 2015/2016 Environmental Protection Report, titled “Small Steps Forward”. Volume 2 of this report focuses on trends in biodiversity, referring to case studies...

October 24, 2016

Shelterwood harvest is good for lizards, bad for salamanders

A common forestry practice may be bad for salamanders, but good for lizards, according to a recent U.S. Forest Service study published in Forest Ecology and Management. The researchers compared...

September 19, 2016

Chytrid fungus survivors suffer stunted growth

It’s easy to see that frogs are in trouble when their breeding ponds are littered with carcasses. But even in places with no visible die-offs, the fungal disease that is...

September 2, 2016

Kids document diseased amphibians in California

Young citizen scientists aged 4 to 16 have discovered that many frogs and toads on California’s northern coast are infected with the deadly chytrid fungus (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis). Seventeen percent of...

June 3, 2016

Country-wide surveillance efforts help prevent salamander fungus

For more than a decade, Evan Grant has traveled to vernal pools, streams and forests in different national parks and wildlife refuges in the northeastern United States to sample amphibians....

May 17, 2016

Deadly chytrid fungus detected in Central Africa

When David Blackburn went to the Central African country of Cameroon as a graduate student in 2004 and then again in 2006, he saw spectacular views of mountains and lakes...

April 8, 2016

The mystery of the missing dwarf salamander in Georgia

It seemed like a no-brainer to Sean Graham. The professor at Sul Ross State University in Texas was tasked with tracking down Chamberlain’s dwarf (Eurycea chamberlaini) salamanders and one-toed amphiumas...

November 18, 2015

Researchers Find Potential Cure for Deadly Amphibian Fungus

A potential cure for the deadly disease wiping out vast populations of amphibians all came down to special two-liter coke bottles filled with water and tadpoles from an island off...