Submit abstracts to UWWG for Urban Wildlife Conference

The Urban Wildlife Working Group of The Wildlife Society, along with San Diego State University, will be hosting the International Urban Wildlife Conference June 4-7, 2017 in San Diego, California. This will be the fourth time the conference has occurred; it was first organized in 2009.

The program committee is currently soliciting abstracts for oral presentations and posters. If you’re interested in submitting an abstract the deadline is January 20, 2017. Proposals for organized symposia are also being accepted. Half-day symposia will consist of 10 talks, so please ensure that your proposal includes as many as 10 committed speakers. Shorter symposia of 5 talks (1/2 session) may be proposed, as well. Please contact the program committee chair, Bob McCleery, at, if you’re interested in organizing a symposium.

Information on how to submit abstracts and symposia proposals will be available at

Potential topics for presentations and/or symposia may include:

  • Ecology of wildlife in urban areas
  • Management of human-urban wildlife conflicts
  • Improved conservation of and coexistence with urban wildlife through urban planning, landscape architecture, and wildlife-friendly development

For more information on the Urban Wildlife Working Group please visit


Header Image: ©Ashley Spratt/USFWS