Series: Wild Cam

August 3, 2020

Wild Cam: Herring gulls steal food from hard-working puffins

The surrounding crowd was raucous, and the smell was even worse. But Kaylee Busniuk weathered the distractions like a champ, announcing the unfolding action in a detailed play-by-play. Just as...

July 29, 2020

Wild Cam: Island spotted skunks may need protection

Ellie Bolas has been sprayed by skunks more times than she can remember — several times right in her face. But the experiences haven’t dissuaded her in her mission to...

July 6, 2020

Wild Cam: Shrub expansion draws moose northward

Jiake Zhou and three of his colleagues traveled 16 days on inflatable rubber boats in the northern Alaskan wilderness without seeing any other human, with nothing but a few guns...

June 3, 2020

Wild Cam: Predators stress mountain goats

Frederic Dulude-de Broin sat on top of a mountain in the Canadian Rockies with a telescope, waiting above the forested valleys for mountain goats on the alpine peaks to take...

May 11, 2020

Wild Cam: Wombats face grim outlook in hotter, drier climate

It’s a tale of two wombats. Down to fewer than 200 individuals, the northern hairy-nosed wombat (Lasiorhinus krefftii) is listed as critically endangered by the International Union for Conservation of...

April 7, 2020

Wild Cam: Human activity blocks African wild dog dispersal

Human structures and roadways present some of the largest barriers to the connectivity of endangered African wild dog populations in southern Africa. Researchers set out on a vast multi-country study...

April 1, 2020

Wild Cam: Gray hawks benefit from waterway conservation

Riparian conservation in otherwise arid environments could help a raptor that was rarely found north of the Mexican border in previous decades to expand into the American Southwest. New research...

March 26, 2020

Wild Cam: Snakes suffer as chytrid wipes out frogs

A fungal disease that has wiped out entire populations of amphibians across the world is also affecting snake diversity — particularly among snakes that rely on frogs or their eggs...

March 19, 2020

Wild Cam: Predator control critical for Hawaiian seabirds

Even in Kauai’s remote mountainous regions, endangered seabirds aren’t immune from the threats of introduced predators, but research shows that predator control can benefit the birds. “There’s this perception that...

March 4, 2020

Wild Cam: Struggling caribou herd penned in by predators

The Gaspésie herd is one of North America’s most endangered caribou populations, and logging around the fringes of the last remaining landscapes it occupies is giving predators an advantage over...