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Richard Williams wins TWS’ Distinguished Service Award
Williams has served in a plethora of positions and roles under TWS’ Western Section
The Wildlife Society has awarded the Distinguished Service Award to Richard Williams for a long career of outstanding service.
The award recognizes TWS members who have made a long-term commitment to the Society based on at least 20 years of membership and their actions to further the mission of the Society
Williams has worked as a biologist for a wide range of entities, including energy companies, consultancies, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and others.
In TWS, he has served a number of positions on the executive board of the Western Section and was president of the section in 1992. He also developed the Jim Yoakum for Outstanding Service and Commitment to the Western Section, an award that recognizes people who have provided outstanding work and commitment to that section. Williams later received the Jim Yoakum award himself.
“Rick continues to remain a tremendous resource to TWS-WS,” said Richard Burg, Awards and Grants Committee Chair of TWS’ Western Section, in his nomination letter. “He continues to preach the ‘gospel’ of benefits to be derived from both TWS and TWS-WS membership to students and young professionals over the years.”
Williams joins Leland Pierce and Mark Lindvall as this year’s winners of the Distinguished Service Award. He will be presented the Distinguished Service Award at the 2024 Annual Conference in Baltimore, Maryland.