Functioning ecosystems persist through environmental change
Looking at fossil records, researchers determined the structure of an ecosystem matters more in the face of environmental change than the composition of species in it. Understanding this, they found,...
Traveling doesn’t pose mortality risk for white-tailed deer
White-tailed deer that disperse to new areas have similar rates of mortality as those that stay put, researchers found. That wasn’t what they expected to discover. They figured dispersal would...
Could a ‘Bison Management System’ address climate effects?
After surveying managers and conservationists, a researcher who has documented bison shrinking due to climate change is proposing a network for bison stakeholders to share their knowledge. “What we propose...
Student launches birding game for kids
A 15-year-old student recently launched a mobile app game to get children more interested in birding without even having to go outside. Adam Dhalla, the recipient of the 2018 American...
President requests increased Agriculture, Interior budget for FY 2022
President Biden is requesting an 8.8% increase in the Fiscal Year 2022 budget, which would go toward increases in discretionary funding across the board, including new funding for climate change...
TWS 2021 Awards Season: Service Awards
The Wildlife Society is accepting nominations for awards through May 1, 2021. The Awards Program annually honors professional excellence, recognizes outstanding achievement, and highlights contributions to wildlife science and management....
Recovering America’s Wildlife Act reintroduced to U.S. House
The bipartisan Recovering America’s Wildlife Act was reintroduced today in the U.S. House of Representatives by Reps. Debbie Dingell, D-Mich and Jeff Fortenberry, R-Neb. They were joined by eight of...
JWM: Landfills bolster wild pig numbers
Landfills may bolster wild pig numbers by providing a supplemental food source, increasing their size and boosting reproduction. The giant trash heaps might also serve as vectors for the transmission...
Community science can steer wind farms away from eagles
As wind energy increases in the United States, researchers are looking for ways to protect birds that are at risk of dying from striking wind turbines. One way is through...