October 19th Taylor Fork Ecological Area

EKU Haunted Trail

The Eastern Kentucky University chapter of The Wildlife Society invites you to attend our haunted trail at Taylor Fork Ecological Area in Richmond, KY. The trail will be open from 8pm – 11pm.

September 26th Robinson Forest- Breathitt Co.

All KY TWS Members

POSTPONED- Forest Management Strategies for Wildlife Workshop

POSTPONED- A new date for this event will be announced in the future. This workshop will be themed around “Forest Management Strategies for Wildlife” and include instruction on invasive species control, silviculture prescriptions, and a tour of some of the previous and current projects on-going at Robinson Forest. The cost of this all-day training is $50 for professional members and $25 for students and includes lunch during the day. Bunk housing, dinner, and breakfast that morning are available the night before at cost set by Robinson Forest and University of Kentucky. You are not required to use housing or food from Robinson Forest but options are limited in the area and you may have to travel to either Hazard or Jackson for food options(~45 mins away).