Executive Board
President: Zach Voyles, zvoyles@dnr.in.gov
President-Elect: Dawn Johnson, dajohnson@dnr.in.gov
Secretary/Treasurer: Emily McCallen, emccallen@dnr.in.gov
Member-at-Large: Geriann Albers, galbers@dnr.in.gov
Past-President: Joe Caudell, jcaudell@dnr.in.gov
Standing Committees are established by the bylaws of the Chapter. A list of standing committees and chairpersons can be found here.
The Indiana Chapter of The Wildlife Society works hard to further the wise stewardship of Indiana’s precious wildlife resources and to serve the needs of our members.
The cost is $15 for membership. To become a member, add Indiana to your checkout here. Alternatively, complete a membership form and pay the Chapter directly here.
Student Chapters
Indiana has two student chapters:
Ball State University Chapter of The Wildlife Society
Purdue University Chapter of The Wildlife Society
If you would like to nominate someone for a Chapter award, go here. If you have any questions or need to submit additional nomination materials, please contact Zack DeYoung, zdeyoung@dnr.in.gov.