Here’s what’s happening in the North Central Section: Part 5

Below is a summary of recent workshops held within the North Central Section of The Wildlife Society, which was included in the section’s Spring 2021 newsletter. The newsletter includes updates on two workshops held at the Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Photos highlighting workshop activities are also included in the section’s Spring 2021 newsletter.

The North Central Section (NCS) of TWS hosted two workshops during the recent virtual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. The workshops are a membership benefit.

The first workshop, titled “What’s Next? Steps on the Pathway to Finding the Right Graduate Position or Job.” was organized by Jason Riddle, president of the NCS and a steering committee of NCS of TWS members and North Central Division of the American Fisheries Society (AFS) members. Around 70 participants attended the workshop. During the first segment of the workshop, 20 graduate students and faculty members answered questions and provided guidance to students about graduate school. During the second segment, about two dozen professionals answered questions and provided guidance to students about finding a job in the wildlife profession. The workshop wrapped up with closing remarks on the importance of TWS and AFS helping students achieve their goals. Gary Potts, past president of TWS and Jeff Kopaska, past president of the North Central Division of the American Fisheries Society gave a presentation entitled “Benefits of Student Membership in the American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society.”

The second workshop, titled “Self-Care for Conservationists” was part of the NCS’s Professional Development series and drew around 40 participants. Michelle Doerr, president of Anavah Consultants, LLC presented at the workshop, and led a group discussion on self-care. Many professionals appreciated the workshop as many are struggling with self-care during these uncertain times.


Header Image: A pine siskin (Spinus pinus) perched in a tree. Credit: Jeff Bryant