Colorado takes steps toward wolf reintroduction

Colorado wildlife officials are moving forward with plans to reintroduce gray wolves to the state. Colorado Parks and Wildlife plans to start identifying donor populations and reintroduction locations by this summer and begin crafting a management plan and outline procedures for settling claims of wildlife loss or property damage. Dan Gibbs, executive director of the state Department of Natural Resources, urged commissioners to have wolves on the ground by 2022 or early 2023, ahead of the proposition’s deadline. The federal delisting of the gray wolf (Canis lupus) could complicate reintroduction efforts, though, according to the state’s attorney general’s office. Colorado voters narrowly approved wolf reintroduction last November.

Read more from the Associated Press.

Header Image: Colorado Parks and Wildlife is preparing to identify donor populations and reintroduction sites to reestablish gray wolves in the state. Credit: Eric Cole/USFWS