Category: TWS Wildlife News

February 24, 2016

The economic case for invasive brown tree snake management

In recognition of National Invasive Species Awareness Week (Feb. 21-27), USDA Wildlife Services is providing a two-part series on the economics of invasive species management. A recent article in The...

February 22, 2016

JWM study: Fire, urbanization pose threats to California pumas

Wild fires have been big news in California in recent months, and now new research is revealing how these fires are affecting pumas (Puma concolor) in the area. “A mix...

February 18, 2016

President’s budget requests funds for conservation programs

This past Tuesday, the Obama administration released its eighth and final budget request. The Executive budget proposal is the first step of the annual federal budgeting process, which will continue...

February 18, 2016

Economics of invasive species management

In recognition of National Invasive Species Awareness Week (Feb. 21-27), USDA Wildlife Services is providing a two-part series on the economics of invasive species management. Around the world, battles are...

February 10, 2016

Albatross and petrel bill introduced in the Senate

A bill introduced in Congress last week would heighten U.S. involvement in the protection of migratory seabird populations placed at risk by some international fishing operations. The Albatross and Petrel...

February 5, 2016

Tracking down the plague cycle in prairie dogs

Prairie dogs in the western United States often face outbreaks of plague — an infectious disease caused by the bacteria Yersinia pestis — that can wipe out entire populations of...

February 2, 2016

Canada lynx persist in spruce beetle impacted forests, research shows

Lynx are making good use of some sections of forest impacted by spruce beetles, according to ongoing research. “The notion before we started the study was that it was possibly...

February 1, 2016

Conservation benefits from increasing farming’s food yield

The intensification of food crops in fields could help conserve wild spaces, according to a new study. “Reconciling agriculture and conservation is one of this century’s greatest challenges,” said Ben...

January 28, 2016

Hydroelectric Dam Demolition Helps American Dippers

Breaking the barriers for salmon may lead quickly to a healthier bird population, at least as far as dam removal is concerned. Recent research examined the effect that removing a...

January 27, 2016

Bipartisan Sportsmen’s Act Passed by Senate Committee

On Capitol Hill, Congress is at work on a set of bills that will impact recreational hunting, fishing, shooting, and other outdoor activities. The Senate Committee on Environment and Public...