Category: TWS Wildlife News

December 11, 2023

Mexican wolves go after same prey as gray wolves

A GPS tracking study confirmed that elk are the primary prey of wolves in Arizona

December 8, 2023

Researchers get baseline data for contaminant in U.S. amphibians

Understanding methylmercury levels can help determine when species may be at risk from the toxin

December 7, 2023

AI cameras can reduce human-wildlife conflict in India

Researchers are deploying remote cameras with artificial intelligence capabilities in India to reduce conflicts between tigers and livestock. Tiger (Panthera tigris) populations have been so successful in rebounding in India that...

December 5, 2023

USFWS expands hunting, phases out lead ammunition at specified refuges

The final rule opens up archery deer hunting at three wildlife refuges and phases out lead ammunition and tackle at eight over the next several years

December 4, 2023

Noise and lights deter city frogs

Surveys reveal that two species don’t fare well in urban areas with increased human sound and light pollution

December 1, 2023

Wolves prey on sea otters, seals in Katmai

The findings may be important to consider in wolf management

November 30, 2023

Including connectivity in environmental assessments for projects

Scientists provide a framework for including habitat connectivity into environmental impact assessments

November 29, 2023

JWM: Herbicide treatment benefits Minnesota marsh birds

Species increase in abundance three years after spraying the chemicals

November 22, 2023

JWM: Wild turkeys may face a tougher future in a warmer world

Climate change may create more difficulties for struggling populations

November 21, 2023

JWM: Invasive fire ants reduce butterfly abundance

Pollinator trapping experiment reveals another way that imported ants may be affecting the ecosystem