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And the Chapter of the Year is…
At The Wildlife Society’s 21st Annual Conference, the Washington Chapter was recognized as Chapter of the Year for their achievements during 2013, which demonstrated exceptional contributions to both The Wildlife Society and the wildlife profession. The Chapter of the Year award is presented to an outstanding TWS chapter to encourage and recognize exceptional achievements. The award was accepted by Bruce Thompson, 2013 President-Elect of the WA Chapter, Harriet Allen, Northwest Section Representative to Council, and Blake Murden, 2013 Past-President of the WA Chapter. William Vogel, not pictured, was the 2013 President of the WA Chapter.
The Washington State Chapter distinguished itself through professional interaction opportunities, student benefits, and partnerships. The Chapter organized the 2014 Joint Annual Meeting with four partners: the Society of Northwestern Vertebrate Biology, Northwest Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (PARC), the Global Owl Project, and Researchers Implementing Conservation Action. More than 250 attendees were present, with 14 states and four Canadian provinces represented.
The meeting featured several programs, including the 4th International Burrowing Owl Symposium and Raptors of the Northwest Symposium. A total of 11 workshops were conducted, one of which was led by the Northwest PARC. The Chapter also encouraged students to become involved as committee members and attendees at the annual meeting, which featured a Student Mentoring Session. Aside from promoting student participation at local meetings, the chapter provided a total of $4,500 in student grants last year.
The Washington Chapter of The Wildlife Society will hold their next annual meeting, in conjunction with the Society of American Foresters and the Northwest Section of TWS, from April 14-17, 2015 in Grand Mound, WA.
For more information on their annual meeting and other events visit their Facebook page or their website.