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The April issue of the Journal of Wildlife Management
The Journal of Wildlife Management is a benefit of membership in The Wildlife Society. Published eight times annually, it is one of the world’s leading scientific journals covering wildlife science, management and conservation, focusing on aspects of wildlife that can assist management and conservation.
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Energy industry infrastructure has long been a part of the landscape that the Central Arctic caribou herd uses for its summer range. Yet despite its long-term presence, female caribou continue to avoid it. In the featured article of the April issue of the Journal of Wildlife Management, the authors study the effects of energy development on caribou and consider if reducing its footprint in key areas and corridors could minimize its impact on caribou.
Other articles look at the bark beetle-affected forests as a refuge from hunters for elk, the importance of predator control to conserve endangered Hawaiian seabirds and the influence of water depth on energy availability for ducks.
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