Your TWS membership just got better!

Happy New Year! We are excited to start 2017 with a new addition to our list of membership benefits: online access to TWS’ three journals. Now you can read all the latest papers in each issue of The Journal of Wildlife Management, the Wildlife Society Bulletin, and Wildlife Monographs and access the complete archives of these journals as part of your TWS membership.

This new benefit, worth $75 (nearly the cost of a full membership!), reinforces TWS’ commitment to science-based management and conservation.

“This means that everything TWS publishes will be free to all members,” said Ken Williams TWS Executive Director. “It is yet another step toward our commitment to increasing member engagement in TWS and reconnecting wildlife science with management and conservation.”

The Journal of Wildlife Management, published since 1937, is one of the world’s leading scientific journals covering wildlife science, management and conservation. Published eight times per year, Editor-in-chief Paul R. Krausman emphasizes that the journal publishes papers focusing on aspects of wildlife that can assist management and conservation by providing life-history data, modeling, new analytical and quantitative approaches, theory, and new approaches to understand human dimensions.

Wildlife Monographs, published since 1958, are single-topic, peer-reviewed studies on specific problems and issues in wildlife science, management and conservation. After 10 years, Editor-in-chief Eric Hellgren is stepping down early this year and his replacement will be named soon.

Editor-in-chief David Haukos says the Wildlife Society Bulletin focuses on manuscripts that directly assist with on-the-ground management and conservation. The Bulletin got its start in 1973. After a brief hiatus, it was re-launched as an online-only journal in 2011. This peer-reviewed publication, published four times per year, contains papers related to wildlife management, law enforcement, education, economics, administration, ethics and more.

This new benefit also means that papers published in TWS’ journals will be read by many more members. “We want to encourage TWS members to submit papers to our Society’s journals,” said Williams. “By more widely disseminating research on wildlife management and conservation that is scientifically based management, we hope to have a positive impact on the sustainability of wildlife populations for future generations.”

Member interested in submitting papers to TWS’ journals, can easily access the recently updated unified author guidelines to find out more.

How to access TWS journals

To view the issues in the Wiley Online Library, simply login to the TWS website. Under the “Publications” tab, you will find the list of journals. Click on the one you want to view, which will take you directly to that journal’s landing page on the Wiley website.

You can also sign up for automated delivery of the table of contents so that you are notified when each new issue is posted. This service is not part of your membership, so must register on the Wiley website.

Free apps for the TWS’ journals are available for both Apple and Android users. Go to the appropriate app store and search for the name of the journal to download the app. To access the content, you will need to enter your TWS user name and password.

Nancy Sasavage is director of Publications and Communications for The Wildlife Society and the editor-in-chief of The Wildlife Professional.