Credit: Marc Mains
Certified Wildlife Biologist® Renewal application
The Wildlife Society seeks to provide ongoing learning opportunities for wildlife professionals. We encourage our members to participate in professional development activities that help expand their foundations of knowledge, keep up-to-date on new developments in wildlife research, management, and conservation, and contribute to career advancement and personal enrichment.
TWS offers pre-approval of contact hours, or Continuing Education Units (CEUs), for attendance at a variety of meetings and trainings through our local Sections, Chapters, Working Groups, and conservation partners. CEUs may be applied towards Category I of the Certified Wildlife Biologist® Renewal application as well as Category I of the Professional Development Certificate application.
Professional Development Certification
A Professional Development Certificate is recognition by the Society that a certificate holder has gone above and beyond in staying engaged in the wildlife profession over the past five years.
Individuals that may qualify for a Professional Development Certificate are current TWS members that have partaken in a variety of professional development activities relevant to the wildlife profession, including but not limited to attendance at workshops and technical sessions, serving on committees or in leadership roles, and/or publishing in a professionally related subject matter.
Applicant Information
Applicants do not have to be certified in order to apply. Professional Development Certificates are good for five years. Membership in TWS must remain in good standing in order for the Professional Development Certificate to remain active over the five year time frame. At the end of the five year time frame, a new application with logged contact hours can be submitted for a new certificate.
Apply Now
Professional Development Certificate Application Fee: $25
Submit your Professional Development Certificate Application by uploading it at https://wildlife.org/login under Your Account -> Certification. Applications must be filled out using Adobe Reader software.

©Rich Guenzel

Credit: Jaimie Sommerfeld
TWS’ Annual Conference
Continuing education units (CEUs) may be acquired at the The Wildlife Society’s Annual Conference each year. CEUs can be applied in Category I of the Certified Wildlife Biologist® Renewal program and Category I of the Professional Development Certificate program. CEUs can be claimed for attendance at concurrent sessions, plenary speakers, symposia, working group meetings, and affiliated meetings.
If you are a workshop or training organizer and would like your TWS Annual Conference event pre-approved for TWS CEUs, please email an agenda to certification@wildlife.org.
Get Your Event Approved for Continuing Education!
Is your agency, organization, or chapter hosting an annual meeting, workshop, or training? Get it approved for continuing education credit through The Wildlife Society. Just send your event agenda to certification@wildlife.org for review and approval. Please allot at least two weeks for agenda review.