Tag: habitat protection

December 27, 2019

Watch: Can virtual reality help protect habitats?

Can virtual reality help researchers better protect wildlife habitats? Researchers at the Queensland University of Technology combined VR with aerial thermal imaging and ground surveys to build a statistical model...

April 12, 2019

Is every year ‘the year of the bird?’

If you follow the lunar new year, the year of the pig has recently begun. But should it really be the year of the bird? OK, the National Geographic Society...

December 7, 2017

Study finds populist ‘backlash’ rising against wildlife agencies

The rise of populism in the United States is affecting a range of issues, and according to a recent study, wildlife management is no exception. The study published in Biological...

January 12, 2017

Recreational activities may displace brown bears

Armed with cans of bear spray they hope to never use, recreationists in the Alaskan wilderness dread crossing paths with brown bears (Ursus arctos). But these large carnivores seem wary...