The Wildlife Professional magazine filled with compelling features on science-based wildlife management and conservation insights, techniques and best practices. Members also have access to the digital version of the magazine through the “Log In” link at the top of the website.
Online access to our journal publications, including:
- The Journal of Wildlife Management, published since 1937 and one of the world’s leading scientific journals covering wildlife science, management and conservation.
- Wildlife Monographs, single topic, peer-reviewed studies on specific problems and issues in wildlife science, management and conservation.
- The Wildlife Society Bulletin (WSB), a peer-reviewed, scientific publication containing papers related to wildlife management, conservation law enforcement, conservation education, economics, administration, philosophy, ethics and contemporary resource problems.
The eWildlifer e-newsletter, sent weekly to your inbox, providing you with links to the latest news from TWS headquarters, policy issues that impact wildlife and wild places, updates on activities and conferences from our TWS Local Network of sections and chapters across North America and wildlife news.
More than 100 TWS Talks from our most recent Annual Conference on a wide variety of wildlife topics. Members receive links to two presentations per week in the eWildlifer.
30% discounts on TWS books published through Johns Hopkins University Press.
30% discount on Vortex Optics products through EuroOptic and 20% discounts on Vortex apparel
Gear discounts and more through Guidefitter for Certified Wildlife Biologists® and Qualified Airport Wildlife Biologists
10% tuition grant through American Public University
Increasing your network of connections through our TWS Online Network Directory that allows you to search for peers and mentors by location, area of focus and expertise, and more!
$200 discount on our annual conference registration fee. You save more than twice the cost of regular membership dues and nearly five times the cost of student membership dues!
TWS members are also encouraged to take advantage of: Additional networking and information-sharing opportunities through our TWS Local Network of section, state and provincial chapters (additional annual dues required). Discussion, networking and information-sharing opportunities through our Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn social media networks. LinkedIn is only open to wildlife professionals and students enrolled in wildlife education programs.
The opportunity to become a Certified Wildlife Biologist or an Associate Wildlife Biologist through our TWS professional certification program.
The opportunity to increase the impact of your voice on important wildlife policy issues by joining other TWS members in organized efforts to contact policymakers through our Action Alerts and our Conservation Affairs Network.
Access to members-only Working Groups (small additional annual fee) on a wide range of topics, including:
- Climate change and its impact on wildlife
- Biological diversity
- College and university wildlife education
- Hunting, trapping and conservation
- Early career professionals
- Student development
- Wildlife diseases…and many more!

A personal story from TWS’ CEO
Why I became a member of TWS
It was fall in 1983—my first quarter at Montana State University—when I walked into the office of one of my professors, Dr. Richard Mackie, seeking some advice. “Dr. Mackie,” I said, “what can I do to be more engaged and successful in the wildlife profession?”
Membership Designed to Meet Your Needs!
Regular Membership
$94 USD Annually
Wildlife professionals and all others interested in supporting wildlife science, management and conservation.
Early Career Professional Membership
$57 USD Annually
Graduates of full-time, college-level wildlife or directly-related curricula who have less than 3 years wildlife employment.
Student Membership
$47 USD Annually
Full-time or part-time college students pursuing a career in wildlife conservation and management.
Retired Membership
$57 USD Annually
Individuals who are retired from full-time employment and have been a TWS member for 25 or more years.
Family Membership
$153 USD Annually
Family Membership is available to any two wildlife professionals residing at the same address and includes a single copy of the magazine. Both individuals must complete separate application forms that use the same address. Only one dues payment is made. Mail both forms with payment. The household receives one copy of The Wildlife Professional (and digital access) through this membership.
Life Membership
$2,350 USD one-time payment
Available to any individual for a one-time fee, equivalent to 25 years worth of regular dues.
Call TWS’ office at 301-897-9770 to become a life member.
Government Agency
$1,800 USD
Government agencies or institutions with an interest in supporting the programs of The Wildlife Society. Typically, these are agencies that employ wildlife professionals and are involved in wildlife conservation and management as part of their mission. This is a non-voting membership.
If you have any questions, please call (301) 897-9770 or email us at membership@wildlife.org.