
TWS Code

TWS requires the highest standards of ethical conduct from each volunteer and staff member as they perform their duties and engage in fulfilling the mission of the Society. The organization requires that every volunteer and staff member exhibit the highest standards of professionalism, honesty, and integrity, and that the activities and services provided by TWS are accomplished in a fair and equitable manner. It is the purpose of this Code to detail the ethical standards under which we agree to operate.

The Code consists of the Ethics Policy, the Conflicts of Interest Policy, the Corporate Assets Policy, the Whistleblower Policy, and the section below titled “Procedures and Open Door Communication.”

2019-2023 Strategic Plan

Over the five-year period, The Wildlife Society will maintain or improve its performance in five core strategic areas: wildlife sustainability, leadership, member services, organizational integration, and the Society’ sustainability. The key strategic themes are:

  • The Wildlife Society achieves a positive impact on the sustainability of wildlife populations.
  • The Wildlife Society is a recognized and trusted organization for expertise on science-based wildlife management and conservation.
  • The Wildlife Society supports, encourages, and enables its members to conserve and manage wildlife through the application of science.
  • The Wildlife Society supports and encourages networking among student chapters, state/provincial chapters, sections, working groups, Council, and headquarters to leverage synergies and communications that advance science-based wildlife conservation.
  • The Wildlife Society is professionally managed and financially robust.

Download and review the full Strategic Plan.

Annual Financial Statements

TWS operates on a July 1-June 30 Fiscal Year, with the ending year in the cycle designating the FY.

FY2022 | FY 2021 | FY 2020