Recent & Relevant Literature

Spring/Summer 2018

Nest mortality of sagebrush songbirds due to a severe hailstorm
Hightower et al. (2018), The Wilson Journal of Ornithology

Nontarget effects on songbirds from habitat manipulation for greater sage-grouse: implications for the umbrella species concept
Carlisle et al. (2018), The Condor: Ornithological Applications


Identifying holes in the greater sage-grouse conservation umbrella
Carlisle et al. (2018, in press), The Journal of Wildlife Management

Sagebrush treatments influence annual population change for greater sage‐grouse
Smith and Beck (2018), Restoration Ecology

Reproductive state leads to intraspecific habitat partitioning and survival differences in greater sage-grouse: implications for conservation
Smith et al. (2018), Wildlife Research

Wyoming Sage-Grouse Working Groups: Lessons Learned
Christiansen and Belton (2017), Human-Wildlife Interactions

Wildlife warning reflectors and white canvas reduce deer–vehicle collisions and risky road‐crossing behavior
Riginos et al. (2018), The Wildlife Society Bulletin

Evaluating the influence of energy and residential development on the migratory behavior of mule deer
Wyckoff et al. (2018), Ecosphere

Consequences of porcine zona pellucida immunocontraception to feral horses
Nuñez (2018), Human-Wildlife Interactions, Iowa State University

Winter feeding of elk in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem and its effects on disease dynamics
Cotterill et al. (2018), Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B

Spatial ecology observations from feral horses equipped with global positioning system transmitters
Hennig et al. (2018), Human-Wildlife Interactions

Cattle (Bos taurus) Resist Chronic Wasting Disease Following Oral Inoculation Challenge or Ten Years’ Natural Exposure in Contaminated Environments
Williams et al. (2018), Journal of Wildlife Diseases

Effects of mowing and Tebuthiuron on the nutritional quality of Wyoming Big Sagebrush
Smith et al. (2018), Rangeland Ecology & Management

Evaluating Mechanical Treatments and Seeding of a Wyoming Big Sagebrush Community 10 Yr Post Treatment
Summers and Roundy (2018), Rangeland Ecology & Management

Unmanned aerial systems measure structural habitat features for wildlife across multiple scales
Olsoy et al. (2017), Methods in Ecology and Evolution