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TWS Shares Insights on U.S. Farm Bill Programs
Attendees at the 13th International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) International Congress of Pesticide Chemistry learned about a variety of agricultural, wildlife, and ecosystems benefits of U.S. Farm Bill conservation programs from Keith Norris, Assistant Director of Government Affairs for The Wildlife Society.
Norris presented U.S. Farm Bill Conservation Programs: benefitting agriculture, wildlife, and ecosystems during a symposium focused on sustaining biodiversity and key ecosystem services in agroecosystems. His presentation pulled heavily from TWS’s 2007 Technical Review, Fish and Wildlife Response to Farm Bill Conservation Practices.
The presentation outlined the importance of using working lands to conserve wildlife populations and included specific examples of wildlife responds to a variety of conservation practices implemented through the Farm Bill. Norris also provided a look into how the Farm Bill is being used to facilitate partnerships in targeted conservation efforts for the Lesser Prairie-Chicken.
A suite of international presenters and audience members discussed various policies and practices used to conserve biodiversity within agricultural landscapes during the symposium.