Tag: woodpeckers

June 22, 2022

Birds and insects help control ash borer invasion

Since they arrived in the early 1990s, emerald ash borers have destroyed millions of North American ash trees. Quarantines on wood shipments haven’t worked to control them. But managers have...

January 4, 2021

Relocated woodpeckers know how to make a nest

Juvenile red-cockaded woodpeckers translocated to new areas as part of conservation efforts to help the birds recover are just as good as pecking their way into new nests as those...

August 12, 2019

For rebounding woodpecker, success depends on humans

For millennia, fire helped red-cockaded woodpeckers thrive in the South’s longleaf pine forests. The flames cleared the forest understory that predators could use to access woodpecker nests, which the birds...

February 27, 2019

Could some birds benefit from climate change?

When researchers looked at the effects of recent extreme drought in the Sierra Nevada, they expected to find the large-scale death of trees would cause bird numbers to decline. Instead,...

December 7, 2018

For birds, the trail less travelled makes all the difference

The presence of humans on trails — not the trails themselves — cause the most disturbance to forest birds, according to recent research. In a study published in Frontiers in...

October 13, 2017

For woodpeckers, the right tree can be hard to find

Woodpeckers and other cavity-excavating birds worldwide are keystone species. These birds excavate their nests out of solid wood, and because their nests are often well protected against predators and the...