Tag: weather

March 3, 2021

Winter storm impacts South’s wildlife

The South’s winter storm not caused problems for people left without heat and power. It also wreaked havoc with wildlife. Rehabilitation specialists took in stranded bats. Volunteers rallied to rescue...

March 1, 2021

JWM: Hunting didn’t alter Wyoming mule deer migration timing

Hunting season in south-central Wyoming doesn’t seem to impact the timing of migration for mule deer, but it does seem to prompt bucks to seek areas away from roads used...

September 4, 2020

Bird numbers change with the weather

Climate change — and the frequent and intense extreme weather it can bring —  influences some birds differently than others. In a study published in Global Change Biology, researchers tapped...

January 11, 2019

Extreme weather creates growing problems for wildlife

When biologists think about climate change, they tend to look at slow, long-term changes that affect wildlife. What’s happening to alpine species as temperatures rise, or Arctic mammals as polar...

October 1, 2018

Weather radar helps predict bird migrations

Weather radar is usually collected by the National Weather Service to help people know what to wear outside or if any big storms are coming, but it can also help...

April 27, 2017

Older golden eagles migrate slower to reach breeding areas

Golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) can migrate up to 3,000 miles from wintering to nesting grounds, taking advantage of updrafts to make the journey easier. Conventional wisdom says that older, more...

August 30, 2016

New radar visualization shows the flow of bird migrations

A new visualization tool for radar data is revealing bird migrations as they have never been seen before. With the new tool, birds’ nocturnal journeys appear as blue streaks that...