Tag: vertebrates

August 17, 2018

Wildlife disease could spread faster in dry places

When people get sick, they tend to retreat to their beds, opting for rest and recovery instead of infecting others. It’s been widely believed that sick wild animals also isolate...

July 26, 2018

Together, climate and land use change pose massive threat

For decades now, scientists have been trying to understand the implications of climate change for species around the world. But climate change isn’t the only major environmental transformation being driven...

May 2, 2018

Vertebrate pollinators are particularly vital

When it comes to wild plant production, vertebrates matter, too. A new global literature review indicates that vertebrates pollinate a big chunk of temperate and tropical wild plants, and it...

October 24, 2017

Reptile atlas highlights more biodiversity hotspots

Compared to other vertebrates, reptiles have been a mystery to science, and their distribution has been less understood than that of mammals, birds and amphibians. A recently completed global atlas...

September 21, 2017

Extinction risk picks on vertebrates big and small

At first glance, little animals like grey geckos and big ones like whale sharks don’t seem to have much in common. Researchers examining extensive data on body mass and threat...