Tag: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

December 19, 2016

Endangered vireo population rebounds

On Dec. 15, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service proposed removing the black-capped vireo (Vireo atricapilla) from the Federal List of Threatened and Endangered Species because “[it] has recovered so...

December 9, 2016

States file suit over new critical habitat rules

On Nov. 29, a group of 18 states filed a lawsuit in opposition to changes made this year to how critical habitat can be designated for federally threatened and endangered...

December 6, 2016

USFWS coastal conservation responds to climate change

At the Chesapeake Marshlands National Wildlife Refuge Complex, two members of The Wildlife Society are working to monitor and respond to the ecological impacts of climate change. Supervisory wildlife biologist...

November 21, 2016

USFWS finalizes impact statement on eagle take permits

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has finalized a programmatic environmental impact statement (PEIS) that analyzes the potential impacts of a proposed revision to bald and golden eagle take permits. Proposed...

November 15, 2016

Consultation conflict over lynx conservation

On Nov. 2, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit affirmed a district court decision that halted two fuel reduction projects within Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) critical habitat...

November 7, 2016

USFWS to issue uncommon eagle take permit for wind project

For only the second time in history, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will issue a five-year take permit to an energy company after finding that the company’s wind project...

November 3, 2016

Gopher tortoises relocated to Air Force base in Florida

Over the coming year, at least 500 gopher tortoises (Gopherus polyphemus) will be moved from a construction area in south Florida to Eglin Air Force Base in the northwest part...

November 2, 2016

Giant rats sniff out illegal pangolin trade

African giant pouched rats (Cricetomys gambianus) have an excellent sense of smell and have previously been used to sniff out landmines and tuberculosis. Now, with funding from the U.S. Fish...

November 1, 2016

USFWS approves Great Thicket National Wildlife Refuge

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has officially approved a new National Wildlife Refuge in the northeastern United States. The Great Thicket National Wildlife Refuge will span up to 15,000...

November 1, 2016

Court argues validity of managing distinct wolf populations

The long history of legal discussion surrounding wolf management continued on Oct. 18, when the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit met to discuss the U.S....