Tag: Protected Areas

June 27, 2022

Climate change challenges biodiversity within protected areas

Protected areas are havens of biodiversity across the globe, but under a warming climate, species using them may shift their niches to areas that are no longer protected. “Climate change...

January 28, 2022

Biodiversity shifts due to climate change may impact conservation

Conservationists often seek to protect biodiversity by increasing protected areas. It’s the idea behind high-profile efforts like the Biden administration’s 30 by 30 initiative and the Half-Earth Project. But new...

December 14, 2021

Stewardship helps protect coastal birds

Well-stewarded areas afford more protection to Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic coastal birds than those that are left alone, even if they are in national parks or other conservation areas....

September 13, 2021

Wide-ranging snakes need more than small nature preserves

Smaller sized nature preserves may not be large enough for even some of the smaller animals they’re meant to protect. New research tracking the movements of timber rattlesnakes in a...

February 17, 2021

Q&A: Many imperiled mammals found only in protected areas

Protected areas around the world are some of the last safe havens for many of the world’s jeopardized mammal species. The discovery, published in a study recently in Conservation Letters,...

February 2, 2021

Urban living comes with tradeoffs for swallows

City life seems to benefit tree swallows in Ohio, but it also poses health consequences their rural counterparts don’t face. That’s the finding of a team of researchers who spent...

August 14, 2020

To protect endangered species, public lands aren’t enough

Even if all state and federal public lands in the United States were protected to benefit endangered species, more than half the country’s endangered species would still be in danger...

December 6, 2019

For mammal diversity, land protections aren’t always enough

Even if an area is protected, it doesn’t necessarily mean there is more mammal diversity than unprotected areas, researchers in Canada found. Instead, it’s the landscape features within and between...

September 11, 2019

Can countries work together to fund conservation?

A new study suggests different ways to provide money to countries with protected areas in order to benefit conservation. Researchers from Sweden, Germany, Brazil and the U.S. developed three different...

August 16, 2019

In Canadian biosphere, key corridors cross private land

The Beaver Hills Biosphere in central Alberta includes a patchwork of protected areas, but some of the terrain that fishers in the region rely on most are unprotected. “We really...