Tag: noise pollution

September 26, 2018

Noisy roads may make birds age faster

Being around noisy traffic may make zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) that have left the nest age faster than birds in more rural environments, according to new research. Researchers had known...

January 25, 2018

Stress from oil and gas noise causes birds to ‘dial down’

The constant noise at oil and gas sites creates ongoing stress for birds, prompting them to “dial down” their stress response to deal with the incessant sound, researchers in New...

January 18, 2018

‘Sonic kayaks’ monitor life underwater

An interdisciplinary team in the United Kingdom has designed a “sonic kayak” that researchers and citizen scientists can use to eavesdrop on the ecosystem below and obtain underwater sound and...

August 15, 2017

Motorboats disrupt cooperation between cleaner fish and their clients

The world of cleaners and clients sounds more like one of domestic labor than of coral reefs, but the unique symbiotic relationship between cleaner fish and their clients helps keep...

June 1, 2017

Porpoises found to frequent proposed Maryland windfarm site

According to most wildlife guides, harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) don’t typically range south of New Jersey. But recent research shows that during winter, these marine mammals regularly feed in an...

May 31, 2017

Noise pollution affects even the smallest wildlife

Loud noise and vibrations from natural gas compressors influence the number of insects and spiders surrounding them, which could have consequences on other wildlife in the ecosystem, according to new...

May 2, 2017

Birds change song to be heard above traffic noise

Vehicles are a major source of noise pollution for urban wildlife. That’s particularly a problem for birds that have to compete with the roar of engines to communicate. Recent research...

October 4, 2016

How bats hunt in noise pollution

Robotic frogs with inflatable throat pouches are revealing how bats hunt in noisy conditions. Ordinarily, the bats locate their amphibian prey by following frog mating calls. But when noise pollution...