Tag: Forest Service

April 5, 2017

Conference field trip: Experience Albuquerque from 10k feet

The Sandia Crest Tramway is one of three exciting field trips being offered at this year’s TWS Annual Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Conference registration opens in May. Visit twsconference.org...

October 24, 2016

Shelterwood harvest is good for lizards, bad for salamanders

A common forestry practice may be bad for salamanders, but good for lizards, according to a recent U.S. Forest Service study published in Forest Ecology and Management. The researchers compared...

March 11, 2016

Budget hearing: Wildfires a priority for US Forest Service

As the appropriations season for fiscal year (FY) 2017 ramps up in Washington, Congressional subcommittees in both the House and Senate are holding hearings to discuss and dissect the President’s budget request. Every...

December 4, 2015

New York State Forests May Be at Their Peak: Report

The overall forest cover of New York State may have reached a peak, according to a new federal report. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service conducted an inventory of...

September 24, 2015

Fire Borrowing Negatively Impacts Wildlife Programs

One of the biggest funding shortfalls faced by any federal agency for the past several years has received a sharp uptick in legislative and media attention as a result of...