Tag: evolution

August 15, 2018

Marine mammals lost gene that protects against pesticide

As marine mammals evolved, they lost the ability to make a protein that defends land-dwelling mammals from the effects of a common pesticide — one that is increasingly finding its...

April 5, 2018

Ravens turn evolution on its head

Two lineages of the common raven (Corvus corax) in western North America have been fusing for thousands of years, researchers found, in what they say is one of the first...

February 1, 2018

Birds and mammals respond quicker to climate change

A look back at fossils and other data from up to 270 million years ago suggests that mammals and birds adapt better to changing climates than their cold-blooded counterparts —...

September 21, 2015

Digital Tree of Life Shows Evolution of Nearly Everything

How exactly is it that a coyote is related to a mushroom, or a whale to a human? An online draft of the Tree of Life attempts to answer that,...