Tag: body size

September 27, 2021

Climate warming changes bird migration timing and body size

Climate change has likely caused migratory birds’ bodies to get smaller and their wings to get longer over the years, and the timing of their migrations has shifted substantially. Researchers...

June 13, 2018

Early humans also drove megafaunal extinctions

When humans reached North America 13,000 years ago, 78 species that weighed over a ton vanished in the terminal Pleistocene megafauna extinction. After scrutinizing the fossil record, a team of...

March 16, 2018

For species to succeed, size and energy go hand in hand

Consider two common patterns in nature. The bigger the animal, the fewer the individuals. That’s Damuth’s law. And land mammals tend to evolve toward bigger body sizes. That’s Cope’s rule....

September 19, 2016

Chytrid fungus survivors suffer stunted growth

It’s easy to see that frogs are in trouble when their breeding ponds are littered with carcasses. But even in places with no visible die-offs, the fungal disease that is...