Tag: black birders week

December 30, 2020

Year in Review: Expanding diversity in the profession

When a birding excursion in Central Park by Black birder Christian Cooper ended in a racist confrontation, it prompted a national discussion about diversity issues in even the natural corners...

September 16, 2020

In Black Mammalogists Week, tackling inclusion in new taxa

After TWS member Rhiannon Kirton, became involved in Black Birders Week, she noticed a lot of conversations happening on Twitter. What caught her eye in particular was people’s interests in...

July 7, 2020

Watch: Christian Cooper discusses birding and diversity

New York birder Christian Cooper took to PBS’s science series NOVA to discuss the intricate sounds of bird calls, color morphs and the important of diversity in birding. Cooper originally...

June 2, 2020

Black Birders Week celebrates diversity in naturalists

Birders and bird researchers have declared this week as Black Birders Week. Starting May 31, organizers of the weeklong event aim to increase the visibility of black birders across the...