Tag: abundance

July 22, 2020

JWM: Shorebirds take advantage of Alaska military lands

It’s natural for researchers to focus on the coast when studying shorebirds, but when Ellen Martin was studying them in Alaska as a master’s student at Colorado State University, she...

January 10, 2020

Watch: Using trail cameras to count Mexican wolves

Arizona Game and Fish Department researchers are conducting a one-year study to determine if trail cameras are an effective method of measuring the abundance of endangered Mexican wolves (Canis lupus...

March 21, 2019

WSB: What’s the best way to count elk by air?

Elk (Cervus canadensis) aren’t exactly scarce in Arizona, and over the past century, their numbers have continued to grow. Wildlife managers there never had to get an exact count. Herds...

December 6, 2017

Climate change threats to Hawaiian tree impact birds, too

On the Big Island of Hawaii, hundreds of thousands of ‘ohi’a trees, whose scarlet blooms color the archipelago and sustain many endemic nectar-feeding birds, are swiftly succumbing to a fungal...

May 4, 2017

JWM study: Non-perching birds avoid gas wells

Grassland songbirds have suffered more declines than any other group of birds in North America because swaths of their habitat have been degraded by agriculture and development, including natural gas...

August 29, 2016

What landscapes do golden eagles prefer?

Golden eagle numbers seem to be soaring in elevated, undeveloped landscapes with high wind speeds, according to recent research. As part of a study published in the journal PLOS ONE,...