Winter Business Meeting 2015
Minutes of the Winter Business Meeting
Ohio Fish & Wildlife Management Conference, Columbus, Ohio-February 6th , 2015
Call to Order, Welcome, & Introductions – Andy Montoney
Minutes from 2014 Winter Business Meeting
President ask for motion to waive reading of minutes Jeff Pelc second Alan Lea, all approve
President’s Report & online voting– Andy Montoney
Motion to approve, Laura Graber, Second Scott Peters all approve
Treasurer’s Report & Obtaining debit card– Geoff Westerfield
Motion to approve, Alan Lea, second Scott Butterworth, all approve
Other Committee Reports
Nominating – Andy Montoney
- Need President Elect & Treasurer
- Accepting nominations, need to continue requests, vote by email
Membership – Geoff Westerfield
- Obtained January 2015 roster from TWS, will compare with local sign-ups and update
Program – Mike Enright
- Upcoming Fall Workshop September 16
- Planning meeting April 30 (all committees and student chapter rep. required)
Education/Information – Jeremy Bruskotter
- President would like to start including Science Day and Student Chapters to this committee
- Secretary mentioned upcoming newsletter and asked for updates and input from student chapters
By-Laws – Andy Montoney
- Discuss upcoming suggested changes that were discussed at January 2015 executive meeting
- By laws are over 15 years old, last update was 2010 that only updated membership status
- We would like to spell out committee assignments: add website updater/webmaster job; chapter liaison with student chap-ters/others; update Education/Information to include recruitment and Science Fair; Audit Chair; basic clean-up of sections;
- Electronic voting: Sent out notice 21 days ago, motion, discussion, vote;
Resolutions/Public Statements – Bob Ford
- Nothing submitted
Legislation/Government Affairs – Kendra Wecker
- Farm Bill update will be posted
Website Update – Amanda Duren
- Treasurer will work with Amanda Duren about expanding website
Student Chapter Updates
- President asked chapters to fill out officer form and submit to President annually
- Chapter would like to create liaison for student chapters
OSU Update, Rio Grand Update, Hocking College Update
New business: Not enough time to discuss survey results or what to do with Avian Ecology conference funds, need to future business meeting to discuss.