TWS News

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How well does JWM perform on gender equity?

The Journal of Wildlife Management has improved in its representation of women authors

Read Now February 11, 2025
February 14, 2025

JWM: Humans main factor in Spanish Bonelli’s eagle decline

Electrocution, poisoning, poaching and drowning in water tanks are all causes of eagle death

February 14, 2025

Judge grants USFWS 3 more years to decide on hippo status

Hippo parts are sold in the U.S. for use in belts, purses and other products

February 13, 2025

A love letter to The Western Section

Taking a moment to express admiration this Valentine’s Day to the dedicated work of The Wildlife Society’s organization units

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1830 Results for Around the Web
November 14, 2014

Landowner Partnerships with FWS Protect Habitat

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service partnered with Texas landowners to protect nearly 7500 acres of ranchland along the Gulf Coast near the border with Mexico. The ranch, which is...

Sage Grouse
November 13, 2014

Gunnison Sage Grouse Gets Federal Protection

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) listed the Gunnison sage grouse as threatened under the Endangered Species Act this week. FWS also established 1.4 million acres of critical habitat...

November 12, 2014

Bats Compete for Resources

Researchers recently found that Mexican free-tailed bats compete for food by jamming each other’s echolocation frequencies mid-hunt — a behavior that has never been seen before. Read more at BBC...

November 11, 2014

Court Strikes Down ESA Protections for Prairie Dog

A federal judge struck down protection for a species of prairie dog in Utah last week. U.S. District Court Judge Dee Benson reasoned that since the prairie dog’s range is...

November 10, 2014

A Gray Wolf in the Grand Canyon?

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service officials are investigating reports of a gray wolf sighting in Grand Canyon National Park—the species hasn’t been seen in the area since the 1940s. Read...

November 6, 2014

Drone Gives Scientists New Insights into Killer Whales

NOAA scientists now know more about the health and behavior of a pod of killer whales off Canada’s west coast thanks to Mobly, a hexacopter drone the team used to...

November 5, 2014

Honey Bee Habitat Funded by USDA

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) recently announced that it will provide $4 million to private landowners to improve honeybee health in the Midwest. The funds will be directed to...

November 5, 2014

Biologist Finds Rare Frog

While searching for a newly discovered species of leopard frog —named for its green and beige spots — Jacob Kubel, a conservation scientist with the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and...

November 3, 2014

U. N. Scientific Panel Issues Climate Change Report

The United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change concluded that an urgent global effort is needed to drastically reduce emissions and stem a future of extreme weather, rising sea levels,...