Lessons from the past may improve the future for manatees
Florida manatee populations increased just as human populations grew during the 1800s and 1900s

USDA-APHIS Wildlife Services deputy administrator announces retirement
TWS member Janet Bucknall will retire after decades of service with the federal agency

Kemp’s ridley sea turtle makes transatlantic journey
A stranded Kemp’s ridley sea turtle found in Europe was returned to the Gulf of Mexico in November

Youngest wildlifers shine at 2024 TWS Conference
Students and alumni from Albuquerque’s Bosque School presented their research in front of a national audience

New working groups draw interest at the 2024 TWS Conference
Newly formed TWS working groups sought member input and engagement at the 2024 conference

TPWD Wildlife Division Director retires after a decade with the agency
TWS member John Silovsky announced his retirement from Texas Parks and Wildlife Department in early September

TWS 2024: Aldo Leopold winner emphasizes leaving a legacy
Carol Chambers highlighted her work and dedication to diversity, equity and inclusion

Drones prove useful for marsh deer counts
Fixed-wing drones helped researchers examine marsh deer population and habitat concerns in Brazilian wetlands

Hannah Henry Receives Graduate Fellowship in Wildlife Policy
Doctoral student Hannah Henry will receive a second years of research funding through the Ronald F. Labisky Graduate Fellowship in Wildlife Policy