Agencies revise ESA state and federal collaboration policy
On Feb. 22, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and National Marine Fisheries Service announced revisions to their interagency cooperative policy under the Endangered Species Act to clarify the role...

Kansas Chapter issues statement on state wildlife bill
The Kansas Chapter of The Wildlife Society issued a position statement opposing Senate Bill No. 384 (SB 384), which would make changes to the Kansas Nongame and Endangered Species Conservation...

Albatross and petrel bill introduced in the Senate
A bill introduced in Congress last week would heighten U.S. involvement in the protection of migratory seabird populations placed at risk by some international fishing operations. The Albatross and Petrel...

President Obama to propose full funding for LWCF
The Obama Administration offered a glimpse of their Fiscal Year 2017 budget request with an announcement that outlines plans for full funding of the Land Water Conservation Fund (LWCF). LWCF,...

Wyoming Chapter backs ungulate migration policy
The Wyoming Chapter of TWS supports new mitigation policy approved by the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission that will protect the migration corridors of mule deer, elk and other ungulate...

TWS Texas Chapter involved in rattlesnake working group
Gassing – a method of luring rattlesnakes for capture used in popular rattlesnake roundups – has garnered the participation of the Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society in a working...

FWS Proposes New Methods for Prioritizing Listing Petitions
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has proposed a new method to streamline the decision-making process of plants and animals petitioned for listing under the Endangered Species Act. Currently, there...

USFWS Regulates Human Interactions with Listed Bat Species
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service released a final ruling regarding human interactions with the northern long-eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis) under the Endangered Species Act. The final ruling comes after...