JWM: Harvest may not impact where wolves rear pups
How does hunting affect where gray wolves (Canis lupus) bring up their pups? A new study from Idaho suggests that despite the presence of hunters, wolves rear their offspring in...

Lab method could help detect pollutants’ effects on wildlife
Contaminants in the environment can have a range of harmful impacts on threatened wildlife, but without extensive field work, it’s hard to gauge what those impacts are. A group of...

WSB: In dwindling forest, caribou lay low to avoid biting flies
As the timber industry cuts into the boreal habitat of threatened woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou), Canadian law shields the species from hunting, but the caribou have little protection against...

Seal ‘symphony’ unravels mysteries of seal migration
What’s musical composition got to do with wildlife biology? Scientists suggest it can provide an insightful approach to following the movement and behavior of large groups of elephant seals and...

Pacific marten populations face extinction
The Pacific marten (Martes caurina) is a mysterious little predator that lurks in remote slivers of dense forests in coastal Oregon and northern California. But researchers warn populations may vanish...

Hooded warbler males ditch nestlings to molt
Hooded warbler (Setophaga citrina) moms must do double duty when the fathers tend to their feathers rather than their chicks. When nesting male hooded warblers replace their plumage in the...

Rare cuckoo bee’s known range expands in Canada
Like the cuckoo bird, the rare macropis cuckoo bee (Epeoloides pilosulus) sneaks its eggs into the nests of another species and lets the unwitting host raise its young. While news...

WSB: Structured decision making helps set cougar harvest
As any wildlife manager can attest, managing species can be difficult when it involves groups of people who come to the table with conflicting interests. But tools are available to...

Tweeting helps scientists get cited
You don’t have to be a celebrity — or a president — to benefit from a social media presence. Researchers recently found that scientists can likely boost the number of...