Could beavers help deal with climate change?
As engineers of their wetland environments, beavers help conserve streams and lakes in ecosystems ranging from forests to prairies. But it turns out that water isn’t all they manage. Researchers...
Do animal brains spell trouble for humans?
Intelligence in crows (Corvus spp.), raccoons (Procyon lotor), coyotes (Canis latrans) and other species can make them an annoyance to people who live alongside them, but researchers found that tapping...
Scientists find 27 new bee viruses
Ever since the demise of bee colonies worldwide came to conservationists’ attention over a decade ago, the effort to better understand diseases afflicting bees has been gathering momentum. More recently,...
Wildlife disease could spread faster in dry places
When people get sick, they tend to retreat to their beds, opting for rest and recovery instead of infecting others. It’s been widely believed that sick wild animals also isolate...
Removing invasive island rats could help coral reefs
Invasive rats are notorious for their devastation of island ecosystems, but their damage might go deeper than scientists once believed. Biologists recently discovered that nonnative rats could impede the flow...
Together, climate and land use change pose massive threat
For decades now, scientists have been trying to understand the implications of climate change for species around the world. But climate change isn’t the only major environmental transformation being driven...
WSB: Integrating traditional knowledge and wildlife work
Wildlife professionals have for years recognized the value of indigenous perspectives on conservation, but it can be difficult to conduct wildlife research while incorporating indigenous knowledge in a culturally sensitive...
AI anticipates spring bird arrival as Arctic climate shifts
As temperatures rise and the Arctic climate becomes more unpredictable, birds could be following the shifting spring and showing up to nest off schedule. Researchers recently developed machine learning approaches...
Artificial intelligence can now analyze wildlife imagery
Around the world, motion-triggered camera traps capture millions of images of wildlife in natural environments. These images are an inexpensive method to monitor wildlife with little disturbance, but they create...