Senate committee optimistic about farm bill passage
The Senate Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry Committee reported the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, also known as the Farm Bill, with a 20-1 roll call vote. The 2014 Farm Bill...
Forest Service, Congress discuss wildfire
Both the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee and the House Subcommittee on Federal Lands convened during the first week of June to discuss prospects for the 2018 fire season with...
TWS submits testimony on CWD program revisions
The Wildlife Society submitted comments on Chronic Wasting Disease Program standards. The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service began the process of revising the standards in March 2018. CWD is...
Western and Southwest sections weigh-in on border wall
The Western and Southwest Sections of The Wildlife Society collaborated on a letter to their regions’ congressional representatives about the potential effects of the proposed border wall on wildlife along the...
TWS and SAF lead push to protect USFS R&D funding
The Wildlife Society and the Society of American Foresters, along with other professional societies and conservation, forestry, and sportsmen and women’s organizations sent letters to Congress urging lawmakers to ensure...
Riders remain in 2019 National Defense Authorization Act
The 2019 National Defense Authorization Act (H.R. 5515) made it through the May 9 House Armed Service Committee markup hearing with some policy riders that could affect federal wildlife management...
Changes proposed for greater sage-grouse plans
The ongoing controversy over greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) conservation continued this month with the release of six draft environmental impact statements and resource management plan amendments. A public comment period...
Pruitt signs ‘Secret Science’ rule, controversy remains
Environmental Protection Agency Administrator, Scott Pruitt, wants to promote the “ability to test, authenticate, and reproduce scientific findings” that the agency uses in its rulemaking process with the proposed rule...
Senate committee questions proposed USFS 2019 budget cuts
Testifying before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, Interim Forest Service Chief Vicki Christiansen described next year’s presidential budget request as “a request of very tough choices and trade-offs.”...