Government Spending Bill Signed Into Law
An appropriations process that included debate over the Confederate flag, the resignation of the Speaker of the House, and two short-term continuing resolutions came to a close on December 18...
FWS Looks to Revise Outdated Oil and Gas Development Regulations
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) published a proposed rule and draft environmental impact statement (EIS) on December 11 that would revise non-federal oil and gas development regulations on...
New Mexico Chapter Encourages Mexican Wolf Releases
The New Mexico Chapter of the Wildlife Society sent a letter on November 21 to the New Mexico Game Commission and the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish encouraging...
Sportsmen’s Act Passes Senate Committee with Bipartisan Support
The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee passed the Sportsmen’s Act of 2015, S. 556, by a voice vote on November 19. The bill has received broad bipartisan support and...
Climate Academy Registration Now Open for 2016 Session
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s National Conservation Training Center (NCTC) is accepting applications for the 2016 session of the Climate Academy until December 11. Designed for natural resource managers...
Ontario Enacts Invasive Species Legislation
The Invasive Species Act received Royal Assent on November 3, after passing through the Ontario legislature on October 21. The act creates a framework to identify invasive species and mechanisms for...
Global Anti-Poaching Act Passed by House
On 2 November the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 2494, the “Global Anti-Poaching Act”. The bill passed by voice vote after 23 minutes of speeches in favor of the...
Two-Year Budget Deal Approved by Congress
The House and Senate both approved a two-year budget deal this week. The deal passed through the House with a vote of 266-167 on October 28 and the Senate 64-35...
FWS Planning Mexican Wolf Releases Despite State Objections
Internal documents obtained from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) on October 15 indicate that FWS plans to go forward with the release of up to 10 Mexican wolf...